Dr. Susumu Tonegawa
Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience
Director, RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics
Principal Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Principal Investigator, Tonegawa Lab
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Short Biography
Susumu Tonegawa received his Ph.D. from UCSD. He then undertook postdoctoral work at the Salk Institute in San Diego, before working at the Basel Institute for Immunology in Basel, Switzerland, where he performed his landmark immunology experiments. Tonegawa won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1987 for “his discovery of the genetic principle for generation of antibody diversity.” He has since continued to make important contributions but in an entirely different field: neuroscience.
Using advanced techniques of gene manipulation, Tonegawa is now unraveling the molecular, cellular and neural circuit mechanisms that underlie learning and memory. His studies have broad implications for psychiatric and neurologic diseases. Tonegawa is currently the Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Director of the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics at MIT. He is also an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Additional Information
- Department of Biology, University of California, San Diego 9/1963 – 8/1968. Ph.D.
- Department of Biology, University of California, San Diego 9/1968 – 4/1969, Laboratory of Dr. Hayashi
- The Salk Institute, San Diego, California 5/1969 – 12/1970, Laboratory of Dr. Dulbecco
- Director, RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics at MIT 4/1/08 – present
- Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience 5/1/02 – present
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator 2/88 – 3/09; 4/2013 – present
- Director, RIKEN Brain Science Institute 4/1/09 – 6/30/2017
- Professor of Biology, Center for Cancer Research and Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 9/1/81 – present
- Director, RIKEN-MIT Neuroscience Research Center 10/98 – 4/08
- Director, the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory 5/1/02 – 12/31/06
- Whitehead Professor of Biology and Neuroscience 4/1/99 – 4/30/02
- Director, MIT Center for Learning and Memory 4/1/94 – 4/30/02
- Amgen Professor of Biology and Neuroscience 5/1/93 – 6/30/99
- Member, Basel Institute for Immunology, Basel, Switzerland 1/71 – 8/81
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Biology, University of California, San Diego, California 9/64 – 6/68
- Research Assistant, Department of Biology, University of California, San Diego, California 9/63 – 6/64
- Honorary Member, American Association of Immunologists
- Honorary Member, Scandinavian Society for Immunology
- Honorary Member, Japanese Biochemical Society
- Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Member, U.S. Society for Neuroscience
- Member, Advisory Council, 50th Anniversary of the Fulbright Program
- Member, External Steering Committee, UCLA Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics Research Group
- Member, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
- Member, Royal Academy of Morocco, Hassan II Academy of Sciences and Technology
- Member, Board of Scientific Governors, The Scripps Research Institute
- Member, Board of Governors, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
- Member, Jury, Antonio Champalimaud Vision Award
- Special Advisor, RIKEN-Brain Science Institute
- Member, Wellcome Trust, Neuroscience and Mental Health Strategy Committee
- Member, Scientific Committee, Champalimaud Foundation
- Damon Runyon Memorial Fund, Postdoctoral Fellowship 7/69 – 12/70
- David Sarnoff RCA Scholarship 4/62 – 3/63
- 2009 Honorary Degree, City University of Hong Kong
- 2006 Honorary Degree, University of Alcala, Madrid
- 2006 Honorary Degree, University of Massachusetts Lowell
- 2004 Honorary Degree, Kyoto University, Kyoto Japan
- 1986 Honorary Degree, Doctor of Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
- Neuron (2000 – present)
- Molecular Neurobiology (1997 – present)
- Physiological Genomics (1998 – 2006)
- Immunity (1994 – 2000)
- Immunological Reviews (1995 – 1998)
- Current Opinion in Immunology (1992 – 1998)
- International Journal of Immunology (1988 – 1998)
- 2010 David M. Bonner Lifetime Achievement Award, UCSD
- 2008 University College London (UCL) Prize Lecturer in Clinical Science
- 2007 Gold Medal, Spanish National Research Council, Cajal Institute (CSIC), Madrid
- 2007 RIKEN Fellow, Saitama, Japan
- 2002 Presidential Lecturer, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting
- 2002 Professorship, Picower Foundation
- 1999 Professorship, Whitehead Family Funds
- 1999 1999 Mike Hogg Award, the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
- 1994 Honorary member of the Polish Academy of Medicine and awarded the Golden Medal Medicus Magnus
- 1994 Professorship, Amgen, Inc.
- 1991 Order of the Southern Cross, presented by Fernando Collor de Melo, President of Brazil, Sao Paolo, Brazil
- 1989 Rabbi Shai Shacknai Memorial Prize in Immunology and Cancer Research, Jerusalem, Israel
- 1989 Distinguished Investigator Award of American College of Rheumatology, Atlanta, U.S.A.
- 1988 Kihara Prize of Japanese Society for Genetics, Kyoto, Japan
- 1987 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden
- 1987 Albert and Mary Lasker Award (Basic Research), New York City
- 1986 Foreign Associate, National Academy of Sciences of the United States
- 1986 Robert Koch Prize of the Robert Koch Foundation, Bonn, West Germany
- 1986 Bristol-Myers Award for Distinguished Achievement in Cancer Research, New York, U.S.A.
- 1984 Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- 1984 Order of Culture “Bunkakunsho” from the Emperor of Japan
- 1983 Person of Cultural Merit “Bunkakorosha” of the Japanese Government
- 1983 Gairdner Foundation International Awards of the Gairdner Foundation, Toronto, Canada
- 1983 The V.D. Mattia Award of the Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, Nutley, U.S.A.
- 1982 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize of Columbia University, New York, U.S.A.
- 1982 Asahi Prize of Asahi – Shimbun (Asahi Press), Tokyo, Japan
- 1981 Avery Landsteiner Prize of the Gesselshat fur Immunologie, West Germany
- 1981 Genetics Grand Prize of Genetics Promotion Foundation, Japan
- 1980 Warren Triennial Prize of the Massachusetts General Hospital, U.S.A.
- 1978 The Cloetta Prize of Foundation Professor Dr. Max Cloetta, Switzerland